• Ampd Energy

    FOCUS: Net Zero Carbon and Energy, Clean Construction.

  • AquiPor Technologies Inc.

    FOCUS: Net Zero Carbon and Water, clean construction

  • BamCore

    FOCUS: Net Zero Carbon and Water, clean construction.

  • Carbon Upcycling Technologies

    FOCUS: Net Zero Carbon and Waste, sustainable infrastructure.

  • ElectricFish

    FOCUS: Net Zero Energy, EV charging, sustainable infrastructure.

  • Enersion

    FOCUS: Building decarbonization, solar power efficiency, microgrids, HVAC.

  • Feedback Solutions

    FOCUS: Building decarbonization, indoor air quality, ESG, facility utilization data, grid management.

  • Glass Dyenamics

    FOCUS: Net Zero Carbon and Energy, sustainable infrastructure.

  • Hempitecture

    FOCUS: Net Zero Waste, building decarbonization, building systems.

  • HydroFlux Technology

    FOCUS: Net Zero Water and Energy, building systems, HVAC.

  • Inovues

    FOCUS: Net Zero Energy, HVAC, occupant health, building systems.

  • LeapFrog Design

    FOCUS: Net Zero Water, occupant health, building systems.

  • Miravel

    FOCUS: Net Zero Carbon and Waste, sustainable infrastructure.

  • Moduly

    FOCUS: Net Zero Carbon and Energy, building systems.

  • MeterLeader

    FOCUS: Net Zero Energy and Carbon, Energy Efficiency,

“WOW! With this freshly minted 2022 cohort, we’ve once again – by both design and with at least two scoops of serendipity – managed to curate a small but mighty group of change makers. A big part of why I do this work is in my love for inspiring and actionable collaborations to solve for the big, vitally important stuff. In this case that’s not only net zero energy, carbon, water and waste, but also net positive views on what can and should be done to the benefit of all. Let’s go!"

~ Colin Mangham, Director, Net Zero Accelerator